Liquid Cooled Stator Housing
Automotive (passenger EV)
Aluminium LM25 TF
Sand cast, using printed moulds and cores
Casting Weight
17.3kg as cast, 12.2kg fully machined
Project Information
Motor housing incorporates a novel helical water core into the housing body to significantly improve the product’s cooling performance and reduce two parts to one. 3D printing technology used to rapidly develop a core geometry design, compensating for core distortion.
Technical details
- Optimised and novel design incorporating a helical water core to improve cooling performance.
- Traditional coremaking techniques not feasible due to new single cast part design.
- New core geometry design developed to compensate for core distortion, the inherent weaknesses of the customer jacket concept, and reduce risk of core gas defects.
- Thin-walled 3D printed core employed which was prone to cracking requiring careful control of the thermal cycle to improve core strength.
- Complex design, incorporating venting channels using simulation to optimise casting quality, and with high levels of dimensional accuracy required.
- Close collaboration with the client resulted in a streamlined manufacturing process.
Product weight savings achieved which reduce overall vehicle weight, plus more efficient running of vehicle due to optimised cooling, both of which lead to energy savings from reduced power demand and increased client competitiveness.