Roadmap to a Globally Competitive Net Zero UK Foundry Industry

This roadmap sets out how the UK castings manufacturers can lead in competing globally, growing our industry, decarbonising our components, providing strategic resilience to UK supply chains, creating jobs and wealth for the UK making the components required for a modern economy.

The industry can be part of the solution for the UK, making use of recycled metal to produce locally sourced components and leading the way in the supply of low carbon, cast metal components and finished products, including those needed for greener technologies.

Reversing the leakage of economic strength for the UK casting and foundry industry is no easy task, but is the ambition set out in this roadmap.

To return £10 billion of GVA to the UK and support our national transition to a net zero future, a partnership with the government is proposed to align foundry sector investment with government industrial decarbonisation policies. These policies otherwise threaten to destroy the UK’s remaining foundry capacity before the transition to net zero really begins.

Working in Partnership to deliver our roadmap, we need the government to:

  1. Reform energy markets
  2. Provide incentives for capital investment
  3. Incentivise customer demand for low carbon components
  4. Ensure trade policies support global markets for low carbon UK products
  5. Encourage and enable release of land for modern, zero carbon foundries

Let’s work towards
a low carbon future