CMF Casting Industry Awards 2024 “Component of the Year” Entry
CMF Casting Industry Awards 2024 “Component of the Year” Entry
CMF Casting Industry Awards 2024 “Component of the Year” Entry
CMF Casting Industry Awards 2024 “Component of the Year” Entry
CMF Casting Industry Awards 2024 “Component of the Year” Entry
Prosthetic Multi-Part Cast Thumb from Sylatech – CMF Casting Industry Awards “Component of the Year” Winner.
Cloud Cities Barcelona Support Nodes by Dean Group International.
Unimog 3 Point Linkage Power Lift Arm for Atkinson Vos – CMF Casting Industry Awards “Component of the Year” Winner.
William Cook Rail cast the rail bolster for the Citadis Spirit Light Rail Vehicle.
Finecast Foundry Ltd have developed a gearbox consisting of 5 main castings and fragile internal cores printed using cerabead to offer a more robust solution.
Peel Jones Copper Products undertook a redesign to improve a critical component used as the nozzle to blast air into the furnace during steel production.
An innovative and aesthetically pleasing diecast solution for suspending signage, lighting and acoustic baffles.
The use of printed sand mould technology has enabled Maycast-Nokes Precision Engineering Ltd, a UK foundry, to produce ‘ready to use’ prototype parts in weeks, instead of months, providing a cost-effective cast solution for the renewable energy sector.
The conversion from a fabricated and welded assembly to a ‘never been done before’ aluminium casting enabled Sarginsons Industries, based in the UK, to satisfy a world-leading automotive company’s desire to launch a new concept vehicle.
Investment in new equipment, technological advances and expertise resulted in Harrison Castings Ltd, a foundry in the UK, producing a sump casting that will double a diesel engine’s oil capacity.
A UK foundry, Finecast Foundy Ltd, has produced an extraordinary stabilised antenna platform as a lightweight cast component converting the part from a fabrication has reduced weight and increased strength.
Utilising new integrated additive manufacturing and investment casting facilities, William Cook Cast Products has produced a complex valve cage casting made of a cobalt-based alloy that is notoriously demanding to produce.
Using a series of process improvements, a foundry in the UK has produced defect-free castings without weld repairs in Inconel 625. The customer demanded absolutely no welding, which had a dramatic effect.
Working in conjunction with a 3D printing specialist, a foundry has turned an expensive to produce, complex part into an investment casting able to benefit from the economies of mass production.