12 Oct UK Selling Agent & Auctioneer of Foundry & Engineering Equipment Joins the Cast Metals Federation
Asset Disposal Services Ltd has joined the Cast Metals Federation to enhance its support of the UK foundry and castings industry.
“We have been supporting the Federation and its members in the industry for many years but are keen to formalise this relationship by becoming a supplier member,” explains ADS Director Phil Stokes. “We have one simple objective, and that is to maximise the return generated for our clients from their surplus assets, whether that means single items or full production lines, without adding to their workload.”
Pam Murrell FICME, CMF CEO agreed, saying, “ADS offer a valuable service to our Members – there is always investment taking place in the industry and inevitably this means that there is perfectly serviceable equipment that it being replaced, or for which there is no space. This used equipment can be made available to other foundries in the industry, perhaps as they look to grow or expand the range of services that they offer to the market. Plus, it extends the life of perfectly functional equipment and protects the planet. Anything that helps our members to grow is a win-win for us.”