The long-established Tor Lodge and Applecross Trust has been re-named to Foundry Training Trust to reflect current thinking.

Speaking about the decision, the Clerk to the Trustees, EurIng Andrew Turner FICME told Foundry Trade Journal: “The trustees decided that the name of the trust did not reflect the activities clearly enough and in this day and age of search engine optimisation, they decided that changing the name of the Tor Lodge and Applecross Trust to Foundry Training Trust was a sensible move.

“The trustees in no way wish to erase the history of the trust and are proud that after 50 years it can still support the training, education and skills development of people working in the cast metals and related industries.”

Tor Lodge was the accommodation facility of the original foundry college in the UK and when sold after the closure of the college, the funds were transferred to a trust to support students as they took courses at other colleges.

The Trust now has a much wider remit and can support many different types of educational programmes, including the new apprenticeships being carried out at the ECMS National Foundry Training Centre in Tipton, along with Diploma, degree and post graduate students. The trust also supports many technical short courses and educational visits to conferences and exhibitions.

Turner explained: “With a substantial fund held by an asset management company and managed by the trustees, the Trust has given out over £100,000 in the last few years and despite the complications during Covid has continued to be an active supporter of all types of skills development in the industry.”

For more information or to apply for funding please contact the clerk to the trustees, EurIng Andrew Turner FICME, email:

Thanks are due to FTJ for permission to publish this article.