The European Commission have recently awarded the leading technology demand side response aggregator, Endeco Technologies, the Seal of Excellence for the development of their EnergyConnect platform, as part of the Horizon 2020 programme.

With more than 40 years worth of man-hours, Endeco technologies has the largest research and development department in the sector.

The EnergyConnect platform enables businesses consuming large amounts of energy to integrate with the UK’s SmartGrid infrastructure. By empowering businesses to take control of their energy flexibility, companies can engage in demand side response schemes to generate a profit, whilst synergising with renewables to balance the grid. On top of this, the platform provides the controls to analyse and manage asset performance to ensure there is no impact on operations, and that cost savings are made by avoiding peak charges.

Horizon 2020 is the biggest EU Research and Innovation programme ever, and promises more breakthroughs, discoveries and world-firsts by taking great ideas from the lab to the market. The evaluation is based on three criteria: excellence, impact and quality, efficiency of implementation. The European Commission has a first-class evaluation system engaging independent, international experts.

For more information on Endeco Technologies and the award winning EnergyConnect platform, please get in touch on 01923 431 638 or email