19 Oct CMF attending the 74th World Foundry Congress in South Korea

The Cast Metals Federation CEO, Dr Pam Murrell FICME, is attending the 74th World Foundry Congress in South Korea alongside two award winners from the UK foundry and castings industry.  Their prize is a trip to the Congress, which this time is being organised by World Foundry Organisation members, the Korean Foundry Association.

Mark Spooner, Foundry Production Manager at Sylatech Limited, won the inaugural Worshipful Company of Founders’ sponsored Industry Contribution Award (non-ferrous) and Josh Yeardley, the Product / Site Metallurgist from William Cook Castings, was awarded the Jubilee Award (ferrous), sponsored by the Worshipful Company of Ironmongers

With a mix of plenary presentations on global issues, as well as three days of technical papers on a range of topics, the event includes an exhibition, works visits and social events to allow delegates to meet, learn about industry trends and discuss matters of interest.

“What a fabulous opportunity this is for them to meet like-minded individuals from our global industry – these awards are really valuable.  And what a credit both Josh and Mark are to their respective companies”, said Dr Pam Murrell FICME. “The future is bright for these two young talents.”

Angela Mason
Angela Mason