Batley Foundry Ltd

Batley Foundry has been producing and supplying grey and ductile iron castings for nearly 100 years, with a gross capacity of 2000kg.

This successful foundry has an efficient production facility that ensures high integrity products cast in all conventional materials.

Wear Irons are a specialty.

Metals cast include:

BS-ENGJL Range of Grey Iron.
BS-ENGJS Range of Ductile Iron.
BS-ENGJS Range of Austempered Ductile Iron.
BS-ENGJSA Range of Ni Resist Irons.
BS-ENGJN Range of Ni Hard Irons.
BS-ENGJN Range of Chrome Irons.
Hematite Iron


Batley Foundry Ltd

Batley Foundry Ltd
Warwick Road
WF17 6BB
United Kingdom

Tel: 01924 472 481
Fax: 01924 473 633

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